Partner® PalmTM OS Dictionary installation:

    To install your Partner® Dictionary onto a PalmTM OS-compatible PDA, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the dictionary you want to install from the list and click on the respective link (SFX- and ZIP archives are available).

  2. The "File Download" window displays. Choose the "Save this program to disk" option and press "OK" button.

  3. The "Save As" window displays. Choose the folder where you want to save the dictionary and press "Save" button.

  4. The download process window displays. When download is complete press "Open Folder" button.

  5. If you downloaded *.zip archive, extract it with WinZip, but if you downloaded *.exe archive, just pick it out and press "Enter".

  6. Connect your PDA to your desktop computer and click on Install Tool (this application is a standard item in Palm Desktop, which is distributed along with the PDA, and should have been installed previously).

  7. Select the appropriate qualifier in the "User" field and click on "Add". Find the folder in which the distributive files have been extracted, and enter the folder LT_PALM_XXXX (every dictionary has its own) and select all files with PDB and PRC extensions.

  8. Click on "Open".

  9. Click on "Done" and perform a HotSync operation to install the files you selected (more detailed instructions on HotSync are available in the user manual of your PDA.

  10. After HotSync has finished running, make sure that there were no errors. If there were errors, the following warning will appear:

    The most common error is lack of enough memory, therefore free up sufficient space by deleting non-essential applications from your PDA’s memory (more detailed instructions are available in the user manual of your PDA).

  11. If the application is installed correctly, you will see the Partner® Dictionary icon on your screen (click on "App" to see the icons of the installed programs).

  12. Immediately after installation, the application runs.

  • NOTE: unregistered dictionary runs in demo mode. To have access to all its full functionality you should register your copy (see help page). Registration instructions you can find here.

  • If you have enough free memory on your mobile device, you can download and install all the dictionaries from the list. If you run low of memory, or you do not need all the dictionaries together, install only those you need. You won't lose the remaining dictionaries and you will be able to install them when necessary.

  • If you have any problems using this software please send your comments or questions to us at Please indicate the software version and your device model.